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正在免费在线观看:剧情片 - 《小商贩》正片
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上映年份:1989 / 上映地区:其它 / 影片语言:其它
影片导演: Mohsen Makhmalbaf 
影片主演: Mahmoud Basiri Behzad Behzadpour Zohreh Sarmadi 
更新日期:2022-05-28 12:25:33
 Episode one: The Happy child :
  The fourth child of a poor couple, whom live in Halabiabad (a dispossessed place in Tehran), is born. In the maternity they tell them that if the child does not have good nutrition he would become paralyzed as well. The couple, who have 3 retarded and handicapped children- as a result of family marriage-know that because of poverty they cannot take care of their newborn child and they are worried that he would encounter the same fate as the other three children. They decide to make their child prosperous and they take him to a sanitarium for handicapped and retarded children but very soon the bitter future of the child comes into the mother’s mind. Then they decide to put the child in the way so that a good person takes the child with him and makes him prosperous but no one would take the child, but poor people and for making money. Eventually they leave the child by the swimming pool of an aristocratic house and leave, unaware of the fact that the child ends up in the sanitarium of handicapped and retarded children once again.
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